

Sending Internationally From New Zealand

If you’re based in New Zealand, we can send your packages anywhere in the world. Simply have your packages delivered to your Jetkrate address at our warehouse and we’ll take care of the rest!

How does it work?

Businesses and personal customers based in New Zealand can sign up for a free Jetkrate address.

Simply have your items delivered to your Jetkrate address and we’ll notify you once they are processed.

We can hold your items free of charge for up to 30 days incase you want to add more goods to your shipment.

When you’re ready to send your items, you can compare shipping services and pricing from all major providers, pay and manage your shipments all through your account.



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Why use us?


Jetkrate allows you to pick and choose from all major international courier providers.

Your free Jetkrate account gives you access to all major international courier providers all from one account – no messy sign ups involved. We’ve negotiated great rates so that you always get the best deal!

We'll take away the hassle that comes with international shipping.

With Jetkrate there’s no need to worry about completing complicated customs forms and commercial invoices. As we process your packages, we’ll check off your items, complete customs documentation and take care of any country specific export requirements.

You're in full control.

Jetkrate allows you to manage your packages and shipping addresses easily through your account. You can view and edit your item descriptions, HS codes, and item values via your Jetkrate Package Inbox.

Once you’re ready to send, you can select the courier service that suits you best and tell us the overseas address you’d like your packages sent to.

We’ll get your packages delivered to their destination in as little as 2 business days!

Ready to start shipping?

Still have questions?

Get in touch with us here.

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