
Parcel Photography Service: Get A Proof of Your Product Condition

With Jetkrate’s parcel photography service we can send you a photo of the contents of your package once they arrive at our warehouse, giving you peace of mind that all things are as they should be before it leaves our warehouse.

How Our Image Proof Service Works

Once we receive your shipment at our warehouse, our experts will open your package, take a photo of the contents and email this to you.

If you’ve selected the package repacking option, we’ll also repack the contents of your package if appropriate to do so.

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parcel photography: finding issues with packages in warehouse

What happens if I spot an issue with my items or package in your warehouse?

Jetkrate can arrange to send your purchase back to the retailer if they allow postage paid returns. Alternatively we can return your items and forward any domestic shipping costs that arise onto you.

If you’d rather sort the issues yourself, we can forward the package to you as-is. Read our guide on how to return items to the merchant.

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What happens if my items are okay in the photos I receive, but later I receive goods that have been damaged in transit?

Jetkrate shipping is insured to the value you declare in your customs declaration. If your items arrive damaged, you can claim insurance to the value that was declared on your customs declaration.
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